Pet Transport Services in the Chicago Land Area
Business Hours & Fees
Chicago Pet Transport
Payment can be made by Cash, Debit Card / Credit Cards - American Express, Master Card, Visa, Discover, Zelle, PayPal, Venmo or Cash App
7:00AM TO 7:00PM | LAST PICK-UP 6:30PM
Emergencies 24 / 7 / 365
Airport / Paradise 4 Paws / WAG Fees
Airport pricing is a flat rate for transports within 20 miles of the airports for arriving / departing pets.
Pickup / drop off travel times vary based on multiple factors, ranging from flight delays, the number of commercial cargos coming in or going out on the flight and airline personnel staffing.
Minimal waiting time is from one to two hours or more on arriving flights. On departing flights, delays can occur depending on the number of pets and commercial cargos being checked in.
Additionally, vehicle traffic in getting to or from the airports, one way, can be an hour or more many times depending on the time of day, traffic, and weather conditions. Our prices are based on the above factors as well as any other unforeseen situations, delays, etc. which may arise.
1114 S Clinton Chicago
777 W North Avenue Chicago
MEDVET Emergency and Specialty Center

Premier Veterinary Group - Animal Emergency & Specialty Center
Premier Veterinary Group - Animal Emergency & Specialty Center
3927 West Belmont Ave.
Chicago, IL 60618
(773) 516-5800
(773) 283-5232 (fax)
Orland Park
7000 West 159th St.
Orland Park, IL 60462
(708)-388-3795 (fax)